19902 to the Present

Lime III

Lime III

April 2007 60 tons of lime arrive at the beach.

Lime III

The process begins as the neatly stacked lime is carried to the waiting boats.


The boats begin their endless rounds, visiting all parts of the lake where the boat crews dump the lime into the cold dark water.

Loading Boats

It soon became clear that the weak link in our chain from beach to the lake was the number of boats we had to carry the lime.



Broken Ski boat

Things headed south when the ski boat burst an oil filter.

repairing Vernon's boat

Vernon's boat is extracted from moth balls in the garage and fuel system parts are scavenged from the Model A Ford to make the motor operational.

At lunch time the mountain of lime looked insurmountable and there were many more workers than boats.


Lunch was well received.


Workers charged up for the job ahead.


After lunch, the effort resumed with the ski boat and Vernon's boat both hauling their share of the lime. The dock sagged to the water as longshormen and longshorewomen made perpetual trips between the boats and the beach; and the boats made epic voyages of endless loops in the chilly waters.

receeding pile

Eventually, the pile receeded noticeably.

last bag

Finally, Ellie carried the last bag to the waiting boat and all that remained was to clean up the bags.

sore bodies

Sore muscles and bruises were compared, and lies, damn lies, and statistics were exchanged.

lime crew

The triumphant crew

Fall 2007

Six months later no trace remained of Lime weekend 2007.

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